2017 was not the kindest year

2017…. Rather unkind

2017. What a year you were. I am so happy you are over but you taught me so much and I am starting 2018 in a very different mindset than I started 2017

February 2017 we returned to Sydney, I was sad to be leaving our happy life in Asia but also excited to get Atlantic Australia back on track

On reflection 2017 was a total shitshow, had I known then what I know now I would have talked hubby into staying put. I miss living in Asia so much but after such a painful 2017 moving back now would be defeatist

2017 I learnt lessons, tough ones. The escort industry in Australia has not progressed, it’s meaner, more cliquey, more narcissistic and now it seems everyone’s an expert yet a lot of what I see is the blind leading the blind or girls taking advantage of others

As privates flood Asia with their nastiness and bullshit, Asia has lost its lustre for me as well.

Clients have told me they have booked privates & been told not to book with Atlantic, we take all the girls money & treat girls badly. In Asia one Atlantic escort pays $0, all other ladies touring pay 10-30% & many escorts with Atlantic have worked with us on & off for years. Intelligent woman choose to tour with us so it can’t be so bad…

Privates have facebook groups dedicated to sharing information about gents & tours in Asia. According to a reliable source I get a nasty mention or 2 in particular I get blamed for getting girls busted airports. Yeah I have the airport on speed dial, these girls dates and faces are all over the internet but it’s me (of course lol)   It’s so stupid!

Privates feel its Ok to try to ruin the tours of the Atlantic angels and slander me personally because the ladies choose to outsource their admin to Atlantic & have a fun, safe, well managed, stress free tour…

All businesses outsource so why is it wrong if an escort outsources openly to a business like Atlantic?

Apparently it’s OK to pay 40%+ to a PA or mentor, who pretends to be you but not pay less $$s to a reputable and legal business…. Go figure?

I don’t want to change; I am honest, I am tenacious, I have integrity and I do not intend to change my business model nor take advantage of woman or lie to gents to get ahead here. I do not understand what is so wrong with honesty but in Australia it seems to be a problem

Having a private profile online doesn’t make a lady the top of the SW pyramid. Especially as maybe 10% of private ads are truly independent escorts. It drives me nuts

For these reasons I am quite adamant that 2018 will be my last year as Sarah

I finished high school 27 years ago but it feels like I am back there now with this job, its tiring, it’s upsetting and I just don’t want to do it anymore

When I told my hubby my decision he said but ‘why? you are an expert, you have 18 years experience and you are great at what you do’ I explained to him that in Australia as I am ex-escort I don’t count, here the advice of a current SW with 6 months experience seems to have more merit than my 18 years

It is what it is and I can either be upset by it or let it go

I am going into 2018 with my head held high & focusing on being proud of all I have achieved and all the people I have helped in the past 18 years.

I have mentored many successful escorts and enriched the lives of many people

I have never been greedy, I have always focused on the reputation of my business, the happiness of the girls and gents & being the hardest worker in the room

For many years I have neglected myself & my happiness to ensure other people’s needs are fulfilled which is silly as where are they now?

In 2018 I intend to take better care of myself physically and mentally

In 2018 I intend to focus on what I know I do. Rather than the lies that are spread on social media perpetuating hate for agencies, which I find hard to not take personally

Atlantic is a business that supports escorts. I call it an agency but maybe I could do like others are doing and give it a new fandangled name. But I am too old to care. I know what I do, the girls who choose Atlantic are happy & the gents who choose to book with us are happy so who cares about keyboard warriors

I have loved my job and done my job for many years but that love affair is over. Bitches killed it

2017 on reflection was an awful year and I’m grateful for every sacrifice made and all the sleepless nights as I was repeatedly let down by others

The stress of 2017 financially was mountainous, it was an awful year for staff and business in general.  I dealt with massive piles of crap successfully.  I should be proud of getting through it all & not throwing myself off the gap

Man-up 2018 because I’m going to be brave and do things that challenge me and spend less time doing things for others who in return give me nothing

I’m going to stay positive and kind-hearted while I remove those negative peeps with their negative vibes from my life

Until next time

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