Escort Photos – Who owns them?
The answer in a nutshell; The photographer owns your escort photos
It’s generally assumed that when you pay for Escort photos that you own the photos; legally that is not the case.
The copyright to photos remains with the photographer. This means
Your Escort photos are owned by the photographer
This means that you cannot reproduce the photograph in any means or medium, without the photographer’s consent
The extent to which you can use your photographs is limited by what has been agreed upon between the Model/Agency and the Photographer.
The photographer, as the copyright owner of their photographs, can dictate terms for reproducing their work including where it may appear and for how long. Using photos beyond the purposes originally agreed is a breach of the photographer’s copyright
You can only use the photos in places and on mediums as agreed with the photographer. Escort photographers know you will be using them for escort sites however you cannot use them for say a magazine submission or use them in your own lingerie store. Without the photographer agreeing to the photos to be used in a commercial endeavour outside of their original intended purpose, you are in breach of both copyright and contract law.
If you wish to own your photos then you need to discuss with a photographer and have a written contract in place.
You need to consult a lawyer for such a contract and in most cases, the cost of the photos will increase significantly (Many photographers have boilerplate contracts for the transfer of rights)
Escort Photos arranged by someone else
The agreement is in place between the establishment and the photographer.
You cannot take the photos and use them yourself without breaking copyright and contract law.
The best way to deal with any Escort photo ownership issues is by clearing up copyright ownership from the outset. The best way to deal with this problem is by covering yourself in writing
You can read more about photographs and copyright laws of photographs in Australia on
Escort photo ownership who knew it was so complex?
I hope you found this post helpful
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