Australian Escort Ads

Australian Escort Ads

Australian Escort Ads for quick and easy marketing

I was writing a lot on about Australian Escort Ads and International Escort Advertising since the closure of Backpage

The past year has been tough for everyone and quite confusing with the closure of many advertising sites due to the SESTA/FOSTA laws

Some sites have truly taken advantage of the situation that was created and have raised their rates. Less competition means we need them more than ever before… it’s quite sad :(

The list on this page is the main Escort Advertising sites in Australia.  I will be adding to it as more of the new sites start to gain traction

Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are all free but these can be a big drain on your time and not necessarily bring in much in the way of clients but a good place to network and see what others are doing with their marketing.

I created a great blog at the start of 2019 which lists a few automation tools + other web tools to help you with your online presence

Twitter can be a cesspool and has a lot of catfights, I personally find Twitter is best to watch but never participate

Whilst Available Angels are a Digital Marketing/SEO client of Atlantic it’s been one of our favourite ad sites for years.

  • Gorgeous design coupled with friendly management and zero tolerance for dishonest advertising; AA is an all inclusive escort marketing platform and you will see a lot happening with the site in 2019.
  • If you are an independent escort who doesn’t want to be on a site filled with managed ladies & fakery then Available Angels is a great choice. 
  • Available Angels have advertising options for Establishments, Escorts Agencies and Adult Massage throughout Australia and Internationally
  • Created by an SW for other SWers with innovative features, Available Angels isn’t greedy so you won’t see them add high priced options for those who are desperate to get more calls or try to sell you crap you don’t need like some of the other greedy b*stards directories. Not naming names but everyone knows who they are lol

This is a great little site, I am not sure why it’s not more prominent & everyone isn’t on it? It’s easy to use with free & paid listings, good customer service and social media posts.

Created late 2017, European owned, easy to use and ranks well on search engines. Free and paid options are available.

Not a well-known site in Australia but the naughty networks sites are excellent and easy to use + foreign gents will probably use them overseas so may take a look at Australia too

European owned and not used much in Australia but it is very easy to use with free escort listings. Don’t add a WhatsApp number or you will be inundated with timewasters

New Site that was created the day Backpage went down in April 2018, they rode a popularity wave for a month or 2 but it seems to have fizzled out.  It’s a cute OSClass template site with friendly management. It’s easy to sign up for and use but doesn’t show up in any search queries so good for a free ad & a backlink if you have a website but not much else 

Can be a great place to get yourself noticed and membership was free but now there is a small monthly fee to be a member (started July 1 2018) Some SWers hate the site but then no site is perfect for everyone

I personally have used Punterplanet for years and found it excellent. I have always had great clients off PP too, many do not escort reviews or like the review culture but they do read the forum much like me, to learn

I use paid advertising on PP and have done since we started in Australia in 2013.  As there is a lack of agency advertising options in Australia PP was one of the only ones that allowed us to advertise honestly.  Andy who runs PP in always helpful and I have personally found him great

You can post free ads but the paid ones work better and they aren’t expensive. Not the prettiest site but seems to have a lot of advertisers so may be OK

Escorts and Babes

Number 1 on google for everything! Whilst the pricing is quite cheap from independent escort profiles, in cities where competition is fierce you need to use the premium features and they add up! Number 1 on google also means a lot of timewasters & Dick pics :(

The original Australian Private Escort site.  The go-to ad site for many of the older clients who like what they know rather than using Google Search

When I had an escort agency I occasionally represented independent escorts who do both their own independent bookings as well as bookings with Agency Atlantic.  Private Girls are fair and decent so they will allow a girl to be independent and also allowed to work with me which is the way it should be. 

Escorts can decide for themselves how they wish to work & if I have no problem with it then how can an advertising site choose what is right for the escort?

You may see 1 popular site not included on this list & wonder why? The site is ‘private only’ but since the closure of backpage they have been cashing in and allowing privates, agencies and fake profiles!

See my blog on ‘forced to choose‘ where I talk about an ad site making a lady choose me or them. The lady lost a lot of money due to Atlantic only doing NSW and the lady had booked interstate tours also.

As an International Independent Escort this lady tours to earn; I was happy to work with this her via the agency and had no problems with her being Independent also. It’s F8cked & unfair that an ad site lost her thousands of dollars just so they can keep their marketing intact

Having your own escort website and using escort ads for brand and backlinks is the best long term strategy for your Escort Advertising Australia. Social media is great for raising your brand awareness and should be used to compliment all your escort advertisements.

No matter whether you are doing free ads or paid ads You need a website so clients can always find you

I hope you found this blog helpful

Sarah sign

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